Sunday, January 26, 2025

Messy cleanup at POTA US-4578

Yesterday's activation ended up with 1 QSO in the next UTC day.
Turns out this creates a new activation with just that 1 and shows up as incomplete.

Stat carnage.
Clearly unacceptable.
I don't know if it was because I was rushing, there was a lot of QRM, or I was getting WFD responses that were confusing me, but I don't think I've had this hard a time copying in a while.
I also had a couple of busted calls which I was pretty confident I copied correctly :confused:
FT891 @ 100W; homebrew 49:1 EFHW; BamaTech TP-III
9 QSOs (7 on 15m, 2 on 20m)

Ended on a high note with a call from Italy. Grazie, Alberto :)

 - U