Sunday, September 29, 2024

DX and pile-ups at POTA US-0839 John Muir National Historic Site CA

Headed out with a short activation in mind but stayed a little longer to run through 10 - 20m.
First time being hunted by a DX station!
FT891 @ 50W; 1/4 wave vertical; Faraday cloth; CW Morse single lever paddle
24 QSOs

No joy on 10m; radio was being weird on 12m.
15m was money - KY, KS, AK, FL, Argentina, TN, NJ, VA, WV, NC, IL
17m was quiet - TX, VA
20m went slightly longer than I was expecting - WA, IN, CT, TX, AZ, BC, NE

I heart the Faraday cloth! The bunches of radials might get relegated to emergency use.
As good as the 17' whip works, changing bands is annoying. I need to get an EFHW built and figure out a portable multiband 1/4 wave vertical.

First time being on the receiving end of a pile-up, minor as it was. There were probably only two stations but they were right on top of each other and I couldn't make out a thing.
LOL, that gave me a rush.

 - U

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Antenna futzing at US-1176

Total fail with the truck mount - maybe I should I have tested it out at home before going to the park? :facepalm:

FT891 @ 50W; 1/4 wave vertical; bunches of radials; SP4 N0SA dual paddle
12 QSOs

15m took me cross-country - ON, IN, FL, CT, LA, TX, IL, OK, NY
20m hunts to round out the activation - BC, CO, WA

Bunch of stuff to figure out.
Why am I being stupid with the truck mount? That thing's supposed to make it easier.
Can I be lazy with the radials and still tune the higher bands? Maybe I should try the magic carpet.
Why did I get zapped by the key? This one I know - I need to put a choke on the coax.

Fun fun as always.

 - U

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Salmon Run

 29 CW, 6 SSB, 99 QSO points, 22 county multipliers, 2 bonus stations = 3178 total points

I was not expecting the CW speeds in a state QSO party to be this high.
Good practice for the CA event in a couple of weeks.

 - U

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hunting Japan (finally)


Woo hoo!
That was a tough copy - 22 both ways.

 - U

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Beepin' and boopin'

 - U